Minggu, September 29, 2024

Worst Policy Democrat Party and Republic

By Masud HMN

President Biden do worst policy same with other before, namely courageous support Israel. American continue policy working together, how ever international society anti Israel. We don’t know this why like this.

Biden many enemy on the world, its clear. Have opposition for society on world. Also many enemies for the people.

This year make propous of presidency as struggle against tried to authorised at America or abroad. What teory to became winner next election president? We not understand, possible yes or not.

The argument of President this identic with group society Jewis need in America. They need  Biden support always society Yahudi need want to exist continue. Primary president institution.

On this argument above contains two point to support.

First winner electorat or voter in next new election.

Secondly, need society Jewis international support.

Two support above most important for President Biden to competition with the Donald Trumps in the general election next. Because in congress need to agree budget spending. That position is on the hand of congress, necessary important to support President.

How ever to support president Biden it is want several criteria for support namely.

First how society voter give together policy.

Number two how minimize influence of the enemy other president candidate. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris women Republic party candidate.

Thirdly, Iran government anti Biden policy. Iran ready to control red sea to opposite important to America.

This is potential enemy from Biden. And as enemy for policy President Biden. In the era  President on the future.

We make article conclusion that President Biden have bad policy. Namely because support Israel to occupied Palestinian Government and to avoid international society proposal to Free Palestinian Government and peace permanent for two country Palestinian and Israel. For future we have Biden understand the problem, and like to appointment proposal peace international.

A world peace implemented. International society peace on the future. It is we hope.

Jakarta, June 14, 2024

*) Doktor Masud HMN Lecturer of Muhammadiyah Univercity Prof Dr Hamka (UHAMKA) Jakarta

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